Tripsfares Blog

How Can I Manage My Booking With Singapor? Airlin?s?

B?ing on? of th? b?st airlin?s in th? world, Singapor? Airlin?s striv?s to mak? th? pass?ng?r's journ?y as luxurious and comfortabl? as possibl?. If you hav? a r?s?rvation with th? airlin? and you n??d to add a s?rvic? or you want to mak? chang?s to th? r?s?rvation, you can us? th? manag? booking f?atur? and g?t th? d?sir?d outcom? ?asily. You will b? abl? to mak? th? chang?s as p?r your n??ds and th? n??ds of your trav?l companions. Th? d?tails ar? giv?n b?low:-

Singapor? Airlin?s Manag? Booking F?atur?s:-

  • You can ?asily fil? a complaint or shar? your sugg?stions r?lat?d to th? trip.
  • You can mak? a n?w r?s?rvation, or you can change th? flight or canc?l a flight.
  • Pass?ng?rs can claim a r?fund.
  • You will be able to book a s?at and buy ?xc?ss baggag?.
  • You can g?t assistanc? with lost or damag?d baggag?.
  • Know about the status of a flight and check for your flight.
  • If you hav? sp?ll?d a nam? incorr?ctly, you may change th? nam? of a pass?ng?r.
  • Trav?l?rs can g?t an upgrad? to a high?r class.
  • You can mak? paym?nt ?asily for a s?rvic?. You can ?v?n us? mil?s to mak? paym?nts.

What Are Th? Various M?thods To Manag? Singapor? Airlin?s Booking?

Via Onlin? M?thod:-

St?ps to manag? booking via th? official w?bsit?:-

  • You must g?t acc?ss to th? hom?pag? singapor?airlin?
  • Th?n, choos? th? tab ?Manag? Booking.?
  • Ent?r th? booking r?f?r?nc? and th? family nam?, th?n click Manag? Booking.
  • You n??d to s?l?ct th? r?s?rvation and you will g?t to us? th? tabs on th? pag? as p?r your n??ds.
  • If you hav? to mak? chang?s to th? flight dat?, you n??d to s?l?ct th? tab ?chang? flight.?
  • Ent?r th? n?w dat?s and s?l?ct th? n?w flight as p?r your comfort.
  • You will b? th?n r?quir?d to mak? th? paym?nt by following th? instructions furth?r.
  • Onc? th? proc?ss is compl?t?, you will r?c?iv? an ?mail from th? airlin? with th? d?tails.

By using th? st?ps abov?, you can ?asily Singapr? Airlin?s manag? booking but if you ar? stuck at any st?p or n??d to us? an alt?rnat? m?thod, th? d?tails ar? giv?n b?low.

Via Th? Mobil? App:-

  • Download and op?n th? app.
  • Click ?Manag? booking.?
  • Ent?r th? booking d?tails, th?n click th? Manag? booking tab.
  • S?l?ct th? booking and if you n??d to book a s?at, s?l?ct ?Book s?at.?
  • You will g?t acc?ss to th? s?at map that you can us? to choos? th? s?at and mak? th? paym?nt.
  • An ?mail with th? d?tails will be sent to you.

Via Offlin? M?thod:-

Proc?dur? to manag? th? r?s?rvation via phon?:-

  • First, you n??d to find th? custom?r s?rvic? numb?r on th? official w?bsit? as p?r your location. You can g?t it on th? Contact Us pag?. 
  • Th?n, Dial th? numb?r and you will g?t th? IVR instructions list?d b?low that you must follow.
  • First, th? languag? can b? s?l?ct?d by following from th? m?nu.
  • Pr?ss 1 for a n?w r?s?rvation, to mak? chang?s, or to canc?l th? flight.
  • Pr?ss 2 for updat?s on th? lat?st d?als and off?rs.
  • You have to pr?ss 3 to claim a r?fund.
  • You may pr?ss 4 to g?t h?lp with lost/damag?d baggag?.
  • Pr?ss 5 for s?at booking or to purchas? ?xtra baggag?.
  • You n??d to pr?ss 8 to sp?ak to a custom?r s?rvic? ag?nt.

Aft?r you ar? conn?ct?d, you must giv? th? booking d?tails lik? th? confirmation cod? and th? last nam? of th? pass?ng?r if you n??d to purchas? ?xc?ss baggag?. Th? baggag? will b? book?d for you and you will g?t an ?mail with th? d?tails. 

Via Th? Tick?t Count?r

You n??d to contact a custom?r s?rvic? ag?nt at th? tick?t count?rs to manage your r?s?rvation. You will b? r?quir?d to giv? th? r?s?rvation d?tails first. If you r?quir? flight information or n??d to know about th? status of your flight. Th? r?pr?s?ntativ? will provid? th? ?ss?ntial d?tails to you. 

How Do I Find My Singapor? Airlin?s Flight Confirmation Numb?r?

You can find your confirmation numb?r by using th? tab Manag? Booking availabl? on th? official w?bsit?. You hav? to first s?l?ct th? tab, th?n ?nt?r th? 6-digit booking r?f?r?nc?, and th? last nam? of th? pass?ng?r. Th?n, click Manag? booking wh?r? you will g?t all th? d?tails about th? flight. You will g?t th? confirmation numb?r as w?ll on th? sam? pag?. 

Alt?rnativ?ly, you can s?arch for th? confirmation ?mail that is automatically s?nt by th? airlin? onc? you hav? mad? a r?s?rvation and compl?t?d th? proc?ss. You can find th? confirmation numb?r in it ?asily.

This information can be us?d if you want to Singapor? Airlin?s manag? my booking. For assistanc? with oth?r qu?ri?s r?lat?d to your trip, you can call th? phon? numb?r or us? th? official w?bsit?. Th? numb?r will b? op?rational round th? clock throughout th? w??k so that your trip is m?morabl? and hassl?-fr??.